It Happened
Today is Thursday February 20, 2025. As I sit to write this I am at my parent’s home in Collierville, Tennessee. It is the morning, and I am currently doing my breathing treatments, as I do every or most every morning and night. When I rise and before I sleep. I do these breathing treatments because I am diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Five years old is when I was diagnosed but it is a genetic disease, so I have had it since birth. God knew and so he has given to me every need along life’s journey to keep me as healthy as possible and still alive.
Many of you who have been following my life since I was put into the hospital back in 2018 might be curious as to where is my studio? Am I still living in Florida? Where are you and how is your health? Or maybe you haven’t wondered at all and have found someone else to find interesting…I don’t blame you. I’ve been somewhat silent over here because it hasn’t been the season to really be bold and tell you all God is doing. In truth it has been the most miraculous, hard, and interesting four years of my life. The last three especially.
The apartment I was living in Florida became a safe haven for me while God sent the demons flying elsewhere and I Holy again. My life was given to Jesus when I was a child, but sin entered, and I let it as a young adult. I was tortured until finally I had had enough of my sinful ways and prayed to God for his mercy!
Jesus answered and set me free! I was living in Atlanta, Georgia at the time and so was my art studio. A studio and business was a dream there and it had taken me many years to build it into what it was by the spring of 2018, but what is the dream when you are truly dead inside? The dream coming to be isn’t the miracle it is the fact that you can be alive inside your soul! Oh, the lost but not forgotten, ask Jesus and he will come rescue you out of sin and shame!
The entry I write today isn’t about the eviction of heart or home but instead the fact that I can sit here today and be without a home of my own and still be called a child of God in my heart. I lost my home to obedience. Maybe some of you have experienced a challenge where God has called you to something similar. Where people look and see a reason to call you out, but you know in your heart there is proof that you can see where God has led you right where you sit. And no one can take that proof of living in freedom away from you. No matter where you sit.
Be encouraged, I am with you too. We are in a seen world that the lost and blind can’t see. Even those who aren’t blind but have yet to ask for the faith that will move and go and see, that instead of trouble it’s an opportunity. An opportunity to listen when God speaks, to learn when God shows you his Word, and to live fully alive when the Lord says GO, walk in obedience!
Now, I would be lying if I told you every day was made of roses and lattes. Some days are but then there are the going on five months where I am currently where God has asked me to fast my morning tea and afternoon coffee. Which calls for none, not even a hard candy that is coffee flavored or and iced tea from Chick-fila. I’ve started drinking cherry coke and before this fast started I haven’t had soft drinks in, well since I was a teen/young adult, and I am forty years old as I write this. Some days are harder than others but what gets me through is the knowing that [Romans 8:28] And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
I can believe this verse because I have been walking on this planet with and without Jesus. Meaning there were days that I called my life shots and then the days that followed where I have given over the reins to the Lord. Even in the hard days where money is tight, I have no car, home of my own, and I’ve been living from suitcase and box for nearly three year and add the general life of a willing believer of Jesus persecution, I still wouldn’t travel back to picking up the reins of my own life. That territory is sealed, and I am forever on the other side allowing The Lord to be my Lord.
That is what happened in the garden. Adam and Eve took control instead of obedience. They rebelled and now deeply rooted in all of us is the mark of God’s wrath upon our foreheads. For those of you who think it’s no big deal to go and live as you please, wake up! You are marching ever in the opposite direction of the living God and one day you may find yourself so far gone and into the pit of hell.
But rejoice those of you who have happened! You woke up and instead of death you became alive. Instead of a journey where your flesh increases, you decrease. Instead of flavor you receive favor. And instead of fear you cry out with joy! I want to encourage you with a bit of good news. Don’t give up now! For when we see heaven’s gates open there will be a new tomorrow and we will be abundantly living in it forever. Today we can moan and groan because we have a choice, but instead can we see that in spite of it all the wrath has, if you are a confirmed believer in Jesus, been taken away and your forehead is now marked with a seal that claims you no longer a sinner but saved by the grace of Calvary. The cross, Yeshua’s death and resurrection gave you and me an all who will believe the ability to be called sons and daughters once more.
Now that is revival!
[Matthew 11:28-30] Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
There is much I don’t yet know about the Lord. Tell me and I will listen…
Inlet Beach, Florida 2018